Thursday, May 23, 2013

1Body4Twenty - Day 36

Weight - 148.4

Still going down! So I am posting this entry for the 22nd late because I drove to NY. What's interesting is I cheated A LOT throughout the drive. I had a lot of carbs, mostly because I got hungry from being bored driving and stuck in the car for like 14 hours. But the drive was also extremely stressful, so it ended up acting as comfort food. It was bad, but as you will see in the next post for the 23rd, my weight actually dropped quite a big, and my theory is that happened because I was up for 24 hours and therefore needed to burn more for energy. So you will see the number when I post tonight!!!

Water - 40 oz

Coffee - 28 oz

Tea - 16 oz

Sleep - 2 hours