Tuesday, May 21, 2013

1Body4Twenty - Day 35

Weight - 149.8

Still struggling to keep away from forbidden things. I guess everything gets harder towards the end, but tomorrow will officially be 5 weeks on hcg! Craziness. Today was better with the cheating, but I still snuck a few pumpkin seeds and such. I am leaving town on Wednesday morning, and hopefully being in NY for the last week, where I will have to buy all my own food, will make it easier not to cheat, considering I'm controlling what is sitting in front of me. I'm going to try, I can't guarantee anything, and I never thought I'd be the one to cheat on this diet, but it is super hard towards the end, I have to be honest with you.

Water - 60 oz

Sleep - 6 hours

1Body4Twenty - Day 34

Weight - 149.6

So I have been so busy that it has been hard to keep blogging. So I am going to say from now on, I'm not going to list out what I eat every day until I get to maintenance. Since you have basically seen every single combination or type of food i have been eating, and I'm still eating all the same, just apply the general diet to the rest of the days, minus the cheating, which I will mention. Like today, for example, I cheated a LOT. Part of it was because my family kept taking good things out and eating them in front of me, which I didn't think was super nice (it was things like ice cream, cookies, nuts, etc.), and the other, and very large, part of it is that I was mowing the lawn with a lawn mower that is not self propelled, and we have a HUGE lawn. So I was HUNGRY obviously!! Anyways, while I should still be losing weight, I'm feeling content with my weight, even though it is fluctuation, and because I am getting frustrated with not being able to eat the way and what I want, which generally is pretty healthy, I know there is no point in giving myself a second frustration. I lose a lot when I work out so that is another thing I will be doing, and have been doing every day on an exercise bike we have at home, except on days when I mow the lawn.

Water - 60 oz

Sleep - 7 hours